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Can Alcohol Cause Kidney Pain

Signs Of A Kidney Infection

Kidney Pain After Drinking Alcohol: Causes And Complications

What does a kidney infection feel like? According to the NIDDK, the most common kidney infections symptoms are:

But depending on a persons age, they may not experience all of these kidney infection symptoms. Children younger than two may only experience high fever as a sign of kidney infections, the NIDDK says, and people older than 65 might only present with cognitive issues, like confusion, hallucinations, and disorganized speech.

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The Dangers Of Alcohol Withdrawal

For many, alcohol-liver disease is an indication of severe alcoholism. If drinking has gotten to the point of liver damage, it usually means that the person has a very real dependency problem. And that can make treating alcoholism particularly tricky.

One of the main concerns involved has to do with the withdrawal stage. This is when the body has to reacclimate to functioning normally without alcohol. And for many, that means stopping drinking abruptly and entirely.

The problem, however, is that doing so can cause very serious health problems, some of which can even be life-threatening.

Tonic-clonic seizures, for instance, can be common for people who have an especially high level of addiction.

Others may experience whats known as delirium tremens. Some of the most common symptoms include:

  • Delirium, which is sudden severe confusion
  • Sensitivity to light, sound, touch
  • Stupor, sleepiness, fatigue

This horrifying syndrome can also cause a range of complications like heart attack and stroke.

Its especially important, then, that anyone with alcohol-related liver disease finds a facility equipped to handle the medical emergencies that may come with severe alcohol withdrawal.

Because without it, alcohol detox and rehabilitation can actually end up being deadly.

The Function Of The Kidneys

Theres nothing unhealthy about the moderate consumption of alcohol, says the National Kidney Foundation, and there are even health benefits to one or two drinks now and then. Drinking too much, however, causes a swath of medical problems and can trigger the development of kidney disease.

One of the main responsibilities of the kidneys is to sift out harmful substances from the blood, and alcohol is one such substance. Small amounts of alcohol can be easily filtered and disposed of, but too much alcohol affects how the kidneys work, impairing them to the point of not being able to properly purify the blood of the alcohol content. Alcohol is capable of undoing the kidneys ability to filter out toxins, and while this is not usually a problem with normal drinking, it becomes a serious problem when the drinking is abusive or excessive.

Additionally, since the kidneys are responsible for keeping the right amount of water in the body, compromised kidneys cannot stop alcohol from drying out the body beyond safe levels, affecting not only the kidneys themselves, but even basic cells and organs in other systems of the body.

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Liver Or Kidney Disease

Liver disease and kidney disease are conditions that can be caused by long-term alcohol abuse, sometimes as part of end-stage alcoholism and death. While it’s not a concern after one night of binge drinking, if you habitually over-imbibe, the damages can accumulate in the liver and cause fatty liver disease or scarring that leads to cirrhosis. Once the liver becomes compromised, the blood flow to the kidneys is interrupted, instigating a domino effect of vital organ damage and possible shutdown.

Should kidney disease develop, it could be due to alcohol or other contributing health conditions that alcohol exacerbates, including high blood sugar, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure. Chronic kidney disease can lead to kidney failure, which, like liver failure, can sometimes only be reversed by organ transplantation.

Effects On Fluid And Electrolyte Balance

Kidney Pain With Alcohol Consumption

One of the main functions of the kidneys is to regulate both the volume and the composition of body fluid, including electrically charged particles , such as sodium, potassium, and chloride ions . However, alcohols ability to increase urine volume alters the bodys fluid level and produces disturbances in electrolyte concentrations. These effects vary depending on factors such as the amount and duration of drinking, the presence of other diseases, and the drinkers nutritional status .

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Drink To Your Kidneys’ Health

Drinking Alcohol in Moderation May Actually Be Good for Your Kidneys

May 12, 2005 — A drink a day may do your kidneys more good than harm, rather than the other way around.

Although some previous studies show that alcohol use may be harmful to the kidneys and increase the risk of kidney failure, a large new study indicates that the reverse might be true — at least when alcohol is consumed in moderation.

If those results hold up to further scrutiny, researchers say preventing kidney failure may be yet another benefit of drinking alcohol in moderation, in addition to other recently discovered perks, such as reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke. Moderation is defined as no more than two alcoholic drinks per day for men and one drink per day for women. A “standard drink” is defined as 12 ounces of regular beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of 80-proof distilled spirits.

How Does Drinking Affect Your Kidneys In The Long

Alcohols effect on the kidneys in the long-term include the following:

  • Physical changes to the kidneys
  • Problems with acid-base balance
  • Pancreas problems

Physical Changes to the Kidneys

Alcohol can also physically alter the kidneys and causes dysfunction. Chronic alcohol use in animals caused enlarged cells, a thickened glomerulus and swollen kidneys. Kidney cells also contained large amounts of protein, fat, and water when compared with cells with no alcohol use.

Problems with Acid-Base Balance

The kidneys are needed to maintain the bodys acid-base balance. Chronic alcohol abuse interferes with this regulation. It can result in both acidic and basic conditions that threaten health.

Acidic conditions include:

  • Respiratory acidosis
  • Alcoholic ketoacidosis

Respiratory acidosis is when the lungs fill up with carbon dioxide. Alcoholic ketoacidosis is when there is a high amount of ketones in the blood. When blood sugar drops the body does not have enough glucose to make energy. So it will use fat instead. Broken down fats will become ketones. This condition is common among diabetics.

Basic or alkaline conditions include:

  • Respiratory Alkalosis
  • Metabolic alkalosis

Respiratory alkalosis is another name for hyperventilation. It is when there is too little carbon dioxide in the blood. Metabolic alkalosis is when there is too much base in the body.

The kidneys will work to stabilize acid-base balance. In the process, they will form acidic or basic urine.

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How Can Kidney Disease Be Prevented

Preventing the risk of kidney disease entails taking care of your heart and weight. This might mean eating a healthy diet, staying hydrated, exercising, quitting smoking, and limiting alcohol consumption. For most people, simply scaling back drinks to one or two a week is enough to dodge this particular bullet. For many others, especially those who are struggling with alcoholism or who have a history of alcoholism in the family, a complete ban on alcohol might be the safest option.

WebMD also recommends getting tested regularly, especially if you have a higher chance of developing kidney disease than the general population. If you have a history of kidney problems in your family, if you have other kidney-related problems like diabetes or high blood pressure, or if you are dealing with alcohol abuse, regular testing can uncover the warning signs of kidney disease, opening the door to preventative treatment.

Testing can include urine tests to check the chemical composition of urine, an imbalance of which would suggest that the kidneys are in trouble blood pressure readings and glucose tests to measure blood sugar and hemoglobin A1C, which shows the average blood sugar level in the last three months.

Alcohol May Cause Type 2 Diabetes Which Also Affects Kidneys

Can drinking alcohol cause kidney stones?

Diabetes has proven to be a severe condition which affects many people worldwide. It is a condition which affects the blood sugar, by either spiking it or decreasing it.Can alcohol cause type 2 diabetes? If that is youre your question, the answer is yes. Type 2 diabetes can be as a result of the effects of alcohol on the body, especially when consumed excessively. Alcoholic drinks, especially beer, are usually rich in carbohydrates, which can raise blood sugar levels, leading to type 2 diabetes.The intoxicant increases the risks of developing type 2 diabetes by excessive amounts of calories and carbohydrates. Drinking heavily also makes the body less sensitive to insulin. Liquor can also lead to type 2 diabetes by stimulating appetite, leading one to eat more than normal. It also affects food choices.

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What Does Alcohol Do To Your Body

Research tells us that too much alcohol even on a single occasion can affect health. When digested alcohol produces free radicals, acetaldehyde, and acetate. These compounds are toxic to the body.

Alcohol effects on the body include damage to the following organs:

Alcohol prevents communication between brain cells. As a result, the brain cannot function properly. It also causes problems with cognition, mood, and behavior.

Excessive drinking can change how blood flows to and from the heart. It can cause irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, and stretch out the heart muscles.

The liver is responsible for the majority of alcohol digestion. So alcohol can damage this organ. Heavy drinking can result in liver disease.

Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. This condition is caused by excess alcohol intake. It can damage the body.

Regular heavy drinking also increases the risk of certain cancers. They include

  • Increases in blood pressure

Dehydration and Kidneys

Drinking can lead to alcoholic dehydration even with just a few drinks. Kidney cells need water to function. Consuming alcohol dries out the body. This can lead to kidney dysfunction.

Fluid Imbalance

The kidneys control fluid balance. They determine how much fluid goes into the urine. When levels are low, the brain releases antidiuretic hormone . ADH tells the kidneys to conserve water. As a result, urine becomes concentrated. Alternatively, high body water prevents ADH production. So urine becomes diluted.

What Are Kidney Stones

As the Mayo Clinic explains, kidney stones are hard mineral and salt deposits that form inside of kidneys. They form when minerals from concentrated urine crystallize and stick together. These deposits can affect any part of the urinary tract, Mayo Clinic says, including the bladder. The clinic lists various things that can cause kidney stones, such as:

  • Certain supplements and medications

The clinic does not list alcohol as a cause.

Passing a kidney stone is often a painful experience for many people. How people pass kidney stones is unique to their situation. Some people may need to drink water and take pain medicine to pass a stone, while others may need surgery. This is usually required if a kidney stone becomes stuck in the urinary tract.

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Can You Drink Alcohol With One Kidney

Can you drink alcohol? Technically yes. But, does it increase your risk of life-threatening issues? Also yes. So, even though you can drink alcohol, it is not a good idea.

Alcohol affects all of your bodys organs. However, the effects of alcohol on one kidney lead to multiple issues. Although drinking one to two drinks a day typically wont be an issue, if you have one kidney, it will.

When you drink, you will generally urinate more. But, your kidney is not filtering any blood. So, alcohol is still in your blood. This effect of alcohol on kidneys leads to an imbalance in fluids and electrolytes. As a result, you may become dehydrated.

When your body doesnt have enough fluids, you cant function right. The cells in your organs, including your kidneys, cant function properly. This causes damage to the kidneys. For this reason, if you have one kidney and drink alcohol, it can be life-threatening.

Why Does The Kidney Ache When You Drink Alcohol

Kidney And Back Pain From Alcohol

Drinking alcohol with friends is one perfect way of celebrating any occasion. You may even enjoy drinking alone. However, you may sometimes have to deal with certain issues for drinking excessively. Many people who drink alcohol for years end up feeling drained and weaker. If you experience severe pain in kidney following alcohol beverage, this could be because you have damaged your kidneys. The pain can be severe or mild and usually affects the area around your upper back. Keep reading to learn more about the reasons why you experience pain after drinking.

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Can You Flush Your Kidneys After Drinking Alcohol

Kidney cleanses involve eating specific foods and herbs that may help remove toxins from the body and encourage improved kidney health.

Kidney cleansing programs vary but usually involve following a restricted and healthy diet for several days. This diet may include teas, juices, smoothies, herbs, and foods that people believe help detoxify the body and enhance overall health.

However, there is currently limited scientific research to support the claims that certain foods, drinks, and diets can detoxify your kidneys and body.1

Most people can keep their kidneys healthy by remaining hydrated and eating a balanced, healthy diet. However, some herbs and foods that are commonly used in kidney cleansing programs may have properties that help enhance kidney health.

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Can Kidney Infections Be Prevented

You can reduce your chances of developing a kidney infection by keeping your bladder and urethra free from bacteria. This can include drinking plenty of fluids, keeping your genitals clean and treating any constipation.

The symptoms of a kidney infection usually develop quite quickly over a few hours or days.

Common symptoms include:

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How Your Kidney Is Related To Upper Back Pain After Drinking Alcohol

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Alcohol consumption has always been linked to a number of diseases and health conditions, most especially liver and kidney issues. But a lot of people are unaware of the link between drinking alcohol and back pain. While chronic back pain can lead to alcohol dependency , overconsumption of alcohol can actually contribute to back pain, which can be traced back to your liver.

So its only natural to be curious as to how your kidney is related to upper back pain after drinking alcohol. When alcohol is consumed in large quantities, it can trigger a lot of health problems such as liver issues, obesity, nerves and yes, kidney degeneration. Your kidneys filter and get rid of your bodys waste through the urine and when you drink, your kidneys work extra hard to get rid of the excess alcohol. This can lead to your back pain issues.

Kidney Issues Unrelated To Alcohol

Kidney Pain? How to treat Kidney Stones? Causes and Symptoms

Drinking does not cause all types of kidney pain. The timing of the pain could be a coincidence, or the alcohol could have intensified an existing problem.

Kidney stones are another possible cause of pain. A person may feel intense back pain or pain in their genitals or stomach as the body attempts to pass the stone. Some people also develop a fever. If the body does not pass the stone, a person can develop a severe infection or blockage.

Sustaining a physical injury to the kidneys, such as by falling from a height, may also cause kidney pain.

It is important to see a doctor for any and all kidney pain, whether it is related to alcohol consumption or not.

A person is at risk of different complications depending on the underlying cause of the kidney pain.

For example, a person with a UTI that spreads to the kidneys can develop , a dangerous infection of the blood.

The possible complications of uncontrolled or untreated kidney disease include:

  • gout, a type of arthritis that occurs when uric acid accumulates in the blood
  • anemia, which develops when the body does not have enough red blood cells
  • high levels of phosphorous, which may cause bone conditions such as osteoporosis
  • dangerously high potassium levels

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Causes Liver Disease And Affects Kidneys

Chronic alcohol consumption may even result in liver disease, which further affects the function of kidneys. Blood flow rate to the kidneys remain at a specific level to filter the blood in a well manner. Liver disease further leads to impairment of this balancing act, which results in damages or pain to the kidney.

Alcohol Risks: A Body Out Of Balance

Heavy drinking also has an indirect effect on kidney health. The body is a big domino set, says Dr. Bobart. If you have one part of your body thats not in balance, it can cause problems in many other parts of the body.

Drinking heavily can increase the risk of high blood pressure and Type 2 diabetes, for example. Both of those conditions are the mostcommon causes of chronic kidney disease in the United States.

Chronic alcohol use is also a major cause of liver disease. When your liver isnt functioning well, it can impair blood flow to your kidneys. Liver disease can have significant impacts on the kidneys, says Dr. Bobart.

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Can You Die From Kidney Stones

If left untreated, kidney stones can cause major health complications including hypertension and a reduced filtration rate , the process of removing enough wastes and fluids from the body to keep you healthy.5Kidney failure, although rare,6,7 is a complication of reduced filtration rate that can be life-threatening over time.5 Experts highly recommend prevention efforts to reduce or stop the formation of stones by treating other health conditions that cause the forming of stones such as high blood pressure.6


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