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HomeHealthIs Stevia Bad For Kidneys

Is Stevia Bad For Kidneys

How To Wean Off Sugar

STEVIA to Fight KIDNEY Disease | Can Kidney Patients Use Sweeteners?

Who doesnt love dessert? I, for one, thoroughly enjoy cookies, cake, and ice cream, but I keep it for here and there and not everywhere.

I know that many of you love it, too, because you tell me everyday that this is the hardest thing for you to avoid. But I am here to tell you that it is possible to lessen your sugar and still want to wake up in the morning. Really.

I work with many clients who have a very tough time lessening their sugar intake. It is hard at first, but it gets better over time.

Is Stevia A Safer Or Healthier Sweetener

Stevia is considered safe for those with diabetes, and some have speculated may potentially have some beneficial effects for those individuals. Gut heath: How low-calorie sweeteners affect good gut bacteria is a newer area of research, and one that likely holds answers to many of the health questions already mentioned.

Is It Bad For Your Kidneys To Eat Too Much Sugar

In moderation, natural sugars can be good for you, but consuming too much table sugar or too many processed sugars or sweeteners can lead to health problems such as weight gain, diabetes and obesity. How does sugar affect the kidneys? Sugar is not a problem for the kidneys unless the blood sugar level gets too high.

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Who Should Not Use Stevia

Some people are at an increased risk of developing side effects from regular stevia use. This is because stevia can lower blood sugars and blood pressure, and act as a diuretic.

Stevia can also interact with certain medications, so it is important to discuss stevia with a doctor before consuming or purchasing the product.

Factors that may increase the risk of stevia side effects include:

  • blood pressure conditions and medications
  • liver conditions and medications

Aspartame Vs Stevia Is Natural Not That Bad

Is Stevia Bad for You? A Nutritionist Tells All

As a decades-old ingredient in diet soda, aspartame or E951 is the best-known synthetic sweetener. Thats why it sets the bar for its plant-based competitor.

One study compared blood sugar and insulin levels after consuming stevia, sugar, and aspartame during a meal.

In the process, the synthetic aspartame was able to increase insulin levels even more than table sugar.

Thirty minutes after consumption, the meal sweetened by aspartame caused an absolute peak level that conventional sugar could not reach.

Also, blood sugar was highest with aspartame after 30 minutes, although it did not initially rise as steeply as after sugar consumption.

In contrast, people who consumed stevia showed the weakest responses during the short period .

A more recent study, as previously addressed, showed no significant differences among the three sweeteners over three hours after consumption of a sweetened beverage .

In summary, aspartame is about as unhealthy as sugar.

Stevia performs better in direct comparison to aspartame and sugar due to its lower peak levels.

But is there another difference between the plant-based and artificial sweeteners?

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Does Zevia Have Caffeine

Yes, some flavors of Zevia like Cola, Dr. Zevia, Mountain Zevia, and Cherry Cola contain caffeine.

Now, caffeine can be addictive. So, its best to consume caffeine-containing products in moderation. While caffeine boosts memory, decreases fatigue, and lowers the risk of diseases like Alzheimers and liver cancer it can also increase blood pressure, blood sugar, and lower bone density .

Types Of Sugar Substitutes

The term “sugar substitute” refers to both naturally sweet compounds other than table sugar and artificially synthesized sweeteners produced through chemical synthesis.

Naturally sweet compounds include substances like sorbitol found in apples and corn syrup, lactose found milk, and xylitol found some fruits and vegetables. They are inherently sweet substances with varying degrees of sweetness.

Artificially synthesized compounds do not come from nature and include such popular brands as Equal , Splenda , and Sweet’N Low . Stevia, a product often thought to be artificial, is actually derived from the Stevia rebaudiana plant.

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How Safe Is Stevia

Stevia Risks The FDA approved only the purified form of stevia, called stevioside, as safe to use. Products considered safe contain words in their ingredient list such as stevia extract or Stevia rebaudiana. If you see whole stevia leaves or crude stevia extracts at your local natural foods store, dont buy them.

What Is A Sugar Substitute

The Truth about Stevia and Kidney Stones

A sugar substitute is a substance used to sweeten foods by mimicking the effect that sugar would otherwise have in that product. Some sugar substitutes are derived from products found in nature, while others are artificial or man-made.

Sugar substitutes and artificial sweeteners have varying levels of sweetness and are sometimes combined to achieve different textures, consistencies and levels of sweet. Many sugar substitutes have a concentrated level of sweetness and it takes less of the sweetener than sugar to achieve a similar sweet result.

There are five sugar substitutes that are frequently found in lower calorie foods and beverages. These sweeteners have all been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use in the United States.

Aspartame Marketed under the brand name NutraSweet and Equal, Aspartame is an odorless, white powder that is made from two amino acids, the building blocks of protein. Aspartame is not very stable when cooked and is not a good sugar substitute in baked goods since under heat it breaks apart into its original amino acids. It is typically used to sweeten diet sodas, such as Diet Coke®, and in sugar-free chewing gum. It is also available as a packaged sweetener to be added to drinks such as coffee and iced tea which are otherwise unsweetened.

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What Foods And Drinks Are Bad For Your Kidneys

Eating Too Many Foods High in Sugar. Sugar contributes to obesity which increases your risk of developing high blood pressure and diabetes, two of the leading causes of kidney disease. In addition to desserts, sugar is often added to foods and drinks that you may not consider sweet. Avoid condiments, breakfast cereals,…

What Sweetener Does Not Cause Tooth Decay

Studies have shown that Xylitol, the sweetener, reduces tooth decay more effectively than any other sweetener. It doesnt matter whether your gum contains Xylitol, chewing gum still helps to rinse acidic foods from the surface of your teeth, preventing the acid from eating away at the enamel when it comes into contact with it.

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Why Is Erythritol Bad For You

Erythritol side effects typically include digestive problems and diarrhea. It may also cause bloating, cramps, and gas. Additionally, erythritol and other sugar alcohols frequently result in more water in the intestines, causing diarrhea. Nausea and headaches may occur as well.

Editors. 12 Last Updated. 15 days ago Users. 9

Is Zevia Bad For Your Kidneys

Truvia vs Stevia: Pros and Cons

The key ingredient in Zevia sodas is stevia. Now stevia increases the speed at which the body ejects water and electrolytes through urine. As the kidneys are responsible for filtering and creating urine, researchers initially thought that long-term consumption of stevia could damage kidneys.

Recent studies, however, have concluded that stevia might help prevent kidney damage and in fact, it has been found out to reduce cyst growth in kidney cells.

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Does Stevia Break A Fast

Although not all people may be aware of this fact, ketosis is also why fasting brings about weight loss.

Accordingly, fasting is the more radical ketogenic diet. If you dont eat for a long time, your body will have to tap into its fat reserves sooner or later.

But thats nothing else than a natural survival mechanism. Winter body fat has to have some real purpose, right?

When stevia causes an insulin response, the sweetener has the potential to break a fast. Therefore, our essential storage hormone is also the crux of the matter in this context.

For this reason, we need to take a closer look at stevia and insulin.

Stevia: Exploring Potential Health Benefits

Controlling blood sugar levels is the cornerstone of diabetes management, and some foods have more dramatic effects in this regard than others. Stevia does not raise blood sugar, explains Leah Kaufman, MS, registered dietician and certified diabetes educator in the weight management program at NYU Langone in New York City. Stevia would be a good and safe sugar alternative for the patients with diabetes, she says.

There is even some evidence suggesting that stevia may be beneficial beyond what youd expect from cutting back on sugar. In a 2017 study in Nature Communications, researchers at the University of Leuven in Belgium showed that stevia stimulates a protein that is essential for taste perception and is involved in the release of insulin after a meal. The hormone insulin is produced by your pancreas to regulate blood sugar.

The American Diabetes Association and the American Heart Association agree that stevia can be beneficial for people with diabetes if they use it in moderation and do not compensate by eating extra calories at a later time. The European Food Safe Authority and the Joint Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization Expert Committee on Food Additives established an acceptable daily intake range of no more than 12 mg daily, which is the equivalent of 40 packets for a 150-pound person, Kaufman say.

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Unsafe Forms Of Stevia

There are many different types of steviol glycoside found in stevia, classified into five major groups.

Although most of the existing research concerns the two major compounds in stevia â stevioside and rebaudioside A â a 2016 study using human fecal samples concluded that all forms of the compound are probably safe for general use.

However, research supporting the safe use of less refined stevia compounds is still lacking. As a result, the FDA do not recognize stevia leaves and crude extracts as safe for consumption.

Increasingly, stevia supplements and extracts are being found to contain counterfeit ingredients, primarily artificial sweeteners that are linked to known health risks.

It is therefore important to buy products certified to contain at least 95 percent steviol glycoside, and that contain no artificial or synthetic sweeteners.

Common potentially harmful chemicals found in stevia products include:

  • maltodextrin

Curious About Artificial Sweeteners

Is Stevia bad for our gut health?

The blue, the yellow, the pink, and the green packets. Are you confused about the different sweeteners yet? Youre not alone! Non-nutritive sweeteners are a topic of debate for the public and dietitians alike. Are they safe? Do they cause weight gain? How do they affect diabetes?

What exactly are artificial sweeteners? They are compounds that mimic sugar, often made from natural sources or chemicals. They contain few or zero calories and are much more intense in sweetness than natural sugar. Most can be used in cooking and baking thereby cutting calories down significantly.

Are they safe? In one word, yes. The Food and Drug Administration has currently approved eight types of artificial sweeteners for use in food, drinks, and medications. They are:aspartame, acesulfame potassium, advantame, monk fruit extract , neotame, saccharin, stevia, and sucralose. In the past, there has been public fear that artificial sweeteners increase risk for cancer. Back then, studies were done on laboratory animals. Human studies thereafter have repeatedly shown there is no cause and effect.

Do they cause weight gain? Not directly, because they supply virtually no calories. In comparison, a teaspoon of sugar has about 16 calories so if youre limiting calories, you might choose a diet beverage with zero calories compared to a regular 12 oz can of soda at 140 calories and 10 teaspoons of added sugar.

For more information, contact Sherrie at


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Are There Any Side Effects

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“Researchers are regularly examining potential negative side effects of food additives,” Feller notes. “Within the last five years, studies have found that people may experience gastrointestinal symptoms such as gas, bloating, and even diarrhea when consuming large amounts of stevia on a regular basis. These symptoms may be exacerbated in people who are sensitive when stevia is combined with certain sugar alcohols. There may also be changes in hormone signaling and function because a metabolite of stevia may function as an endocrine disruptor.”

Does Stevia Increase Belly Fat

Both the stevia leaves and stevioside diets significantly increased abdominal fat content. It is concluded that dietary enzyme growth promoters are beneficial to the broilers only during the starter stage and that inclusion of stevia leaves or stevioside has no beneficial effect on the performance of broilers.

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What Are The Ingredients In Zevia Soda

The ingredients in most of the Zevia sodas are Stevia leaf extracts, carbonated water, tartaric acid, some natural flavors, and citric acid. Some of the Zevia sodas also contain caffeine along with these ingredients.

But more on the caffeine-containing sodas later. Now lets dig into the primary ingredients and their benefits and side effects.

Do Stevia Side Effects Affect Testosterone

Is stevia leaf extract an artificial sweetener

In the context of insulin and progesterone, we have already learned that stevia can interfere with the hormonal system.

Furthermore, stevia might affect not only female but also male fertility.

Accordingly, a study on male rats records that stevia consumption can negatively affect the development of sexual organs, sperm concentration, and testosterone levels .

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Monk Fruit Vs Stevia Are Both Bad For You

Monk fruit has a similar effect to stevia. As for the green leaves, monk fruit is extremely sweet and adds about 200 times the sweetness to beverages compared to sugar.

It also performed similarly in a recent study.

Over three hours after their ingestion, researchers could not find significant differences in glucose and insulin concentrations between beverages sweetened with monk fruit extract, stevia, and sugar .

Like stevia-, monk fruit extract can also cause cravings due to its intense sweetness .

The bottom line is that the two natural sweeteners are equally healthy when it comes to weight loss.

May Cause Gastrointestinal Issues

Some believe that the intake of highly refined stevia may lead to nausea. The steviosides in stevia may irritate your stomach and cause bloating or reduce your appetite.

Studies speculate the role of different artificial sweeteners in promoting gastrointestinal issues, although we need more research to establish the connection .

It is also believed that the consumption of stevia may lead to diarrhea and potential gut damage. However, more research is needed in this regard.

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While Were Waiting Look At Labels We Have Now

As illustrations, we use what we most love. You can think about your own desires and find the labels for them.

Ben and Jerrys ice cream contains 26 gm of sugar in 1/2 cup, and I have never eaten less than 1.5 2 cups for dessert.

You know sugar has been added by looking at the ingredient list. For example, sugar is the third item, meaning more important, and also the fifth and later as cane sugar. So of the 20 gm, much is added. I have nothing against Ben or Jerry, many ice creams are high in sugar, I picked it as Dr. Coe loves it, and I too when around him, have it on occasion.

Erythitol Often Has Additives In It

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This is the same faulty reasoning that I pointed out in the Why I Quit Eating Stevia argument in this post on stevia safety.

In that post, I addressed the concern that other bloggers had made about stevia, stating that it should be avoided since there are often other things added to stevia, like maltodextrin, and the like.

This is pure silliness.

Other things are often added to meat and grains and even vegetables. Most people put salad dressing on their greens. Does that mean that we shouldnt eat greens?


For goodness sake, there are so many products with water as the base and LOADS of additives, but we dont skip drinking water as a result.

If you want to use erythritol, just buy plain erythritol with nothing added!

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Stevia And Weight Gain Is It Bad

Since steviol and stevioside have a similar molecular structure to insulin, they might promote fat gain .

Finally, the storage hormone insulin signals not only muscle cells to consume glucose from the bloodstream but also fat cells to store it as energy reserves.

And fat cells, of all things, cannot become insulin resistant. Therefore, stevia could support weight gain, especially for people who already suffer from pre-diabetes.

That stevia stimulates insulin secretion, especially when blood sugar is already high, is also not conducive to weight loss .

Since stevia is often used as a sugar substitute in baking, the sweetener usually enters the body in the company of large amounts of carbohydrates.

Due to the insulin spike, this use supports storage as body fat, which might significantly affect insulin resistance cases.

Does Erythritol Have Side Effects

Erythritol goes virtually unrecognized through the digestive system! See, we humans dont have the enzymes needed to break down erythritol. Its absorbed into the bloodstream and then excreted unchanged in the urine.

Erythritol has been studied for toxicity and serious side effects. No research or testing has resulted negative side effects. Erythritol administered orally to humans was rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and quantitatively excreted in the urine without undergoing metabolic change. Every human body is different and for some people, erythritol can cause digestive issues because it is processed when it reaches the colon. It hasnt been shown to have serious side effects, but we do recommend starting on it slowly rather than in large quantities.

When tested for carcinogens it did not show any indication of causing or promoting the growth of tumors. In fact, one of Lakantos biggest champions is Alison Gannett, who has successfully been in cancer remission for years and kept the growth of a persistent tumor in checkall while enjoying Lakanto products regularly.And unlike, xylitol, erythritol is not toxic to dogs if your furry friend accidentally gets into some.

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