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HomeExclusiveWhere Is Your Liver And Kidneys Located In Your Body

Where Is Your Liver And Kidneys Located In Your Body

Basic Organs Of The Body

THE ORGANS SONG (Brain, Heart, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys)

It can be tricky to know the inside of your body. Many people dont know where their thymus, or kidneys or lungs are, or what these organs do.

Heart. Your heart is between the two lungs at the front of your chest. The heart muscles pump blood around your body. You know your heart is working because you can feel your heart beat and you can feel the blood at your pulse.

The heart pumps blood containing new oxygen to every part of your body. At the same time, it pumps the old blood without oxygen back through the lungs. This is so it can pick up new oxygen to repeat this cycle.

Lungs. your lungs are sponge-like organs. Every time you breathe they filter oxygen from the air through tiny vessels into the blood. It is then carried to the heart to be pumped round your body. The lungs filter carbon dioxide from your body when you breathe out.

Liver. your liver is the organ below the lungs. It acts like a filter for the blood. Chemicals and impurities, including from drugs and medications, are filtered by the liver. The liver does many other essential jobs. For example, it makes and processes many body fats. The liver is the only internal organ that can regrow.

Kidneys. the kidneys are also filters. Some drugs are filtered more by the kidneys than by the liver. Waste products filtered by the kidneys leave the body as urine.

Bone marrow. Bone marrow is the soft tissue inside bones. Blood cells originally come from bone marrow.

What Are The Metabolic Functions Of Your Liver

Metabolism refers to the complex biochemical processes and reactions that take place in the human body. Carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism all require inputs from the liver, which stores glucose when it is abundant, and releases it when needed, thereby ensuring a steady energy supply for the body. The liver also converts fats into an energy source for the body. This organ is the site for breakdown of protein into amino acids, as well as conversion of amino acids to glucose, fats, and proteins. Finally, the liver is responsible for the synthesis of cholesterol and regulation of cholesterol levels.

Beneficial Herbs And Spices

Some herbs and spices have long been recognized by indigenous peoples and natural healers as beneficial for liver and kidney function. Spices such as saffron and turmeric are commonly used in India and Asia to combat or prevent kidney, bladder and liver disorders. Milk thistle is a commonly recommended supplement for liver detoxification and stimulation, although its effectiveness and safety have not been adequately determined by scientific research. Bitter leafy greens such as dandelion, chicory and arugula also may promote liver function by reducing congestion because they stimulate bile flow, according to Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy.

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The Liver Can Be Damaged In Several Ways

Many external factors limit the regulating and purifying action of the liver. If an area is ravaged, the liver regenerates its cells, but when it is commonly subjected to harmful substances, it cannot fully perform its vital functions.Poor diet in terms of quality and quantity overload the liver and makes it fat. Eating too many carbohydrates will create an accumulation of carbohydrates in the liver. Without physical activity, the liver cannot redistribute the nutrients provided by starches. Overweight is also a bad liver function factor, by the poor perfusion of liver cells and storage of bad substances.Tobacco and alcohol also have a direct impact on the functioning of the liver: indeed, the toxins of these substances are difficult to synthesize and to evacuate. Excessive drinking of alcohol also increases fat content of the liver and over time, may interfere with regenerative processes.

Why Are The Kidneys So Important

Where are the Kidneys and Liver Located?

Most people know that a major function of the kidneys is to remove waste products and excess fluid from the body. These waste products and excess fluid are removed through the urine. The production of urine involves highly complex steps of excretion and re-absorption. This process is necessary to maintain a stable balance of body chemicals.

The critical regulation of the bodys salt, potassium and acid content is performed by the kidneys. The kidneys also produce hormones that affect the function of other organs. For example, a hormone produced by the kidneys stimulates red blood cell production. Other hormones produced by the kidneys help regulate blood pressure and control calcium metabolism.

The kidneys are powerful chemical factories that perform the following functions:

  • remove waste products from the body
  • remove drugs from the body
  • balance the bodys fluids
  • release hormones that regulate blood pressure
  • produce an active form of vitamin D that promotes strong, healthy bones
  • control the production of red blood cells

Below you will find more information about the kidneys and the vital role they play in keeping your body functioning.

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The Consequences Of A Damaged Liver

While the liver has regenerative properties, sustained injuries can cause scarring, which in advanced cases may be irreversible and limit the ability of the liver to regenerate.While advancing liver disease may be asymptomatic, often times, elevated liver enzyme and even jaundice can be an initial symptom of a liver disease.Sustained injuries can be caused by viral infections, including hepatitis B or C, or the buildup of fat deposits in the liver cells.While people often associated cirrhosis of the liver to excess alcohol intake, it is possible to develop cirrhosis without alcohol. Indeed, a liver which absorbs too bad fats or starchy foods can lead to such diseases. The diabetic conditions are also favored by over-consumption of this type of product.The liver is a key organ and liver disease affects the entire human body. Between the causes and the manifestation of a disease, the symptoms are often vague. A good liver health implies tobacco and alcohol limitation, and a diverse diet which allows the liver metabolize a variety of healthy nutrients.

To memorize the main information about your liver, you can watch this video :

Kidney Pain Location And Sensation

Most people tend to associate pain in the area between the ribs and hips as either digestive problems or muscular back pain. However, kidney pain isnt always felt in the same place as the kidneys location.

Dr. Charles Patrick Davis on MedicineNet explains that renal or flank pain can be felt anywhere between the lowest rib and the buttocks. The pain may also radiate to the groin or abdominal area. Depending on the underlying cause of the kidney pain, you may feel the pain in just the left or right side of your back. However, sometimes kidney pain affects both sides of the back.3

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What The Liver Does

Your liver helps the body break down and digest food by producing bile. Doctors from Stanford Childrens Health say that bile from the liver breaks down fats from your food so that it can be digested properly and your body absorbs all the necessary nutrients.

One very important function of the liver is to keep your blood clean and free of toxins. The liver also creates nutrients for the body and provides proteins for blood plasma. Good liver health also helps to keep your immune system strong.2

Taking into consideration the important work your liver does, its important to keep your liver healthy. Before we look at ways to boost the health of your liver and keep it functioning properly, lets look at the main reasons for liver pain.

Different Effects On Males Vs Females

Location and Relations of the Kidney – 3D Anatomy Tutorial

To determine the true capacity of ibuprofen to cause liver problems, the researchers regularly administered moderate amounts of ibuprofen to mice for 1 week.

The drug dosage was the equivalent of an adult human taking around 486 milligrams of ibuprofen per day.

At the end of the week, the investigators used advanced mass spectrometry a set of techniques that allow scientists to establish the ratio and type of chemicals present in a laboratory sample at any given time.

The researchers used this method to assess the effects of the ibuprofen on the mices liver cells.

We found that ibuprofen caused many more protein expression changes in the liver than we expected, says study co-author Prof. Aldrin Gomes.

The changes were different, depending on the sex of the mice. In the males livers, the researchers observed changes in at least 34 metabolic pathways, including those that help regulate some essential components of health: amino acids, hormones, vitamins, and the release of reactive oxygen and hydrogen peroxide within cells.

When poorly regulated, hydrogen peroxide can damage proteins and apply stress to cells in the liver, affecting the organs health, the researchers explain.

Meanwhile, in female but not in male mice, the ibuprofen regimen increased the activity of some cytochrome P450s, a class of enzyme that contributes to the breakdown of drugs.

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What Is Your Livers Role In Breaking Down Unwanted Substances

Together with the spleen, the liver helps to degrade old red blood cells into breakdown products, such as bilirubin and other bile pigments. The liver extracts these products from the blood for elimination via urine and stool. When the liver fails to function properly, bilirubin may accumulate in the body and result in a yellow appearance of the skin and eyes, known as jaundice. The liver also plays a large role in detoxifying and breaking down toxic poisons, drugs, alcohol, and waste products. In patients with liver failure, these unwanted substances tend to accumulate in the body and potentially lead to toxicities.

How Is Urinalysis Done

Urinalysis is done by making use of a special strip, called Urine Strip, which has been impregnated with certain chemicals that can react with the constituents of a given urine specimen.

The urine strip contains chromogena special color indicator that changes based on the reaction of the impregnated chemical with the constituents in the urine.

Collect fresh urine in a test tube and immerse the urine strip, allowing the strip to be completely covered short of the tip where you hold the strip. Make sure you immerse the strip in the urine for about 1 minute, before removing it.

Afterwards, you read the color change against the urine strip container.

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What The 12 Systems Of The Human Body Are

Respiratory System. Allows gas exchange between cells and the environment. Includes trachea and lungs. Respiratory System Function. The respiratory system takes oxygen from the environment and converts it into a form that cells can use. In humans, that means that our lungs take in oxygen, and rapidly diffuse it into the

What are the 12 major body systems?

The human body comprises 12 distinct human body systems, and their functions reflect their names: cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, immune, integumentary, lymphatic, muscular, nervous, reproductive, respiratory, skeletal and urinary.

When To See A Doctor For Kidney Pain

Image result for heart kidneys lungs liver location in body image ...

Kidney pain that you feel in your middle back or that radiates to your abdomen or groin is usually an indicator of a serious health condition.

According to Dr. Charles Patrick Davis, you should visit your doctor promptly if you suspect kidney pain. Some of the warning signs of kidney disease or problems are:

  • Sharp flank pain that comes on suddenly
  • A dull, constant one-sided pain in your back or side
  • Blood in your urine

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How To Protect The Kidneys During An Anabolic Cycle

  • Drink plenty of clean natural water
  • Get plenty of quality sleep time

* High protein meat diets increases acid load in the kidneys which increases the risk of kidney stones decreases urinary citrate, a compound that inhibits the formation of kidney stones.

BTW, many herbs have properties that naturally protect and support kidney function.

For more details read my post The Best Herbs To Protect The Kidneys While On Cycle.

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Is Cranberry A Good Choice For Liver Health

Going far beyond their bright addition to a traditional Thanksgiving meal, the cranberry provides some surprising liver health benefits.

Whether being served alongside turkey or mixed with seltzer and a wedge of lime, cranberries are an autumn favorite. Most people think of drinking cranberry juice unsweetened of course to be a natural remedy for urinary tract problems. However, few realize the benefits cranberry can exert on keeping the liver healthy.

About the CranberryThe slightly sweet, notably tart cranberry is often referred to as one of natures super foods. This title is due to cranberrys high concentration of antioxidants and various other health-affirming characteristics. More specifically, cranberries contain a unique and potent subclass of antioxidants called proanthocyanidins, which are coveted for their ability to quench free radicals and amplify other antioxidants.

Native to the United States and Canada, cranberries are typically harvested between September and October via wet or dry methods. The more common wet harvest is done by flooding cranberry beds, beating the fruit off their vines and then collecting the floating fruit. Dry harvested fruit is obtained by combing the vines with a picking machine.

Cranberry and the LiverDrinking cranberry juice and eating cranberries are both liver-friendly practices. There are four reasons that cranberries support liver health:

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Further Reading And Web Resources

There are hundreds of sites on the internet that explain basic biology, immunology and other medical terms.

The following sites may be useful on anatomy:

In the US, a 39-year-old man on death row donated his body to science. After he was executed, his body was frozen, cut into one-millimetre-thick slices, and photographed. The data were made available in 1994 on the Internet by the US National Library of Medicine.

To view two- and three-dimensional representations of the human body based on these data, visit these sites:

Can Ibuprofen Cause Liver Damage

Remove Toxins from Your Kidneys, Liver and Bladder Gently Yet Effectively

Ibuprofen and other NSAIDs rarely affect the liver. Unlike acetaminophen , most NSAIDs are absorbed completely and undergo negligible liver metabolism.

In other words, the way NSAIDs are metabolized makes liver injury very rare. Estimates are that 1 to 9 in 100,000 NSAID prescriptions result in acute liver injury. Generally, NSAIDs are very liver-safe.

However, if you have problems with your liver, such as cirrhosis, talk to your doctor before taking NSAIDs. Also, studies have shown NSAIDs can cause elevated results on liver tests in up to 15% of patients.

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What Are The Parts Of The Liver

The liver has two main parts: the larger right lobe and the smaller left lobe.

The lobes contain many blood vessels. Blood travels through the liver. The liver filters the blood, removing toxins and waste that eventually leave the body through urine and feces.

The lobes also contain thousands of lobules . These lobules connect with many bile ducts, tubes that transport bile from the liver to the small intestine.

Normal Kidney Location Within The Body

Within the body’s physical anatomy, the normal location of the kidneys is towards the back of the abdominal cavity, just above the waist.

If you put your hands on your waist , your kidneys are located just about where your thumbs are. .

The kidney on the right side is usually slightly lower than the one on the left side of the abdominal cavity… But there is a reason for this.

The liver is located just above the right kidney and the spleen is located just above the left kidney. The liver occupies more space in the abdominal cavity than the spleen and it pushes the right kidney slightly downwards, hence the reason why the right kidney is usually slightly lower than the left.

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Protect And Strengthen Your Detox Organs

In order to detox your body, your detox organs need to be able to function.

Your kidneys need to be able to filter out toxicants, your liver needs to be able to transform fat-soluble toxics into water-soluble substances, your intestines need to be able to carry the toxics from your liver through twenty-five feet of intestine, your skin needs to be able to sweat out toxicants, and your lungs need to be able to breathe to exhale toxic gases.

All your detox organs need to be in optimum condition, but given the amount of toxic chemicals your body has been exposed to, they probably need some help.

Fortunately, there are many things you can do to protect your detox organs from damage and strengthen each individual organ.

This is a very important step, because your body actually wont release the toxic chemicals from storage in fat, bones, and other places until your detox organs are in good enough shape to eliminate them.

Again, because each body is unique, you may need to try different detox support methods and products to find which work best for you.

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The Liver: A Vital Organ In The Human Body

Stones, Kidney, Bladder, Gall

The liver is an irreplaceable organ without which the human body could not function. The liver is essential for bile secretion and in the processing of harmful substances into urea. Injuries to the liver can, over time, lead to diseases that affect your overall health.

Located in the abdomen and under the ribs on the right side of the human body, the liver is our most voluminous organ. It has many functions, such as filtering toxins, redistributing nutrients and producing digestive enzymes. All these functions make it a vital organ connected to the whole body.

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How To Diagnose Uti

You will need to do a Urine Analysis test, otherwise called urinalysis, to confirm whether you have a urinary tract infection or not. According to WebMd, the presence of nitrite in a urinalysis is a strong indicator that you have a urinary tract infection caused by bacteria.

To prevent a UTI from causing a kidney infection, it is wise you treat early UTI syptoms.


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